Goodness, free2beme, haven't you been a member of this forum for 10 years with over 4,000 posts?!
Well here goes,
Do they still believe the end could come at any moment? I grew up being told that I might wake tomorrow to the end, because of the generation of 1914 (I know that changed). Do they still believe the end is close and how do they account for so much time to have passed?
Yes, always. They changed the interpretation in the 1990s and then changed it again recently. I'd tell you what they currently teach but it is completely incomprehensible. Something about there being "overlapping generations".
Are they still saying the preaching work is done, and if so do they still consider China as not included in the world?
They don't care about China although I'm sure they'll explain it away as they've always have.
I read some where a while back that 2034 was some how being passed around as a new date, do to something with Noah and some crazy time frame of 120 years past 1914. Is this being taught.
When I looked at the number of Jehovah's Witnesses worldwide, it does not look like much growth since I left. Maybe a million or so, but not much growth in the United States. I also noticed that countries like Japan were shrinking. How is this being handled?
They, like most organizations that try to expand, run upon a law of diminishing results where it's harder and harder to just add a few extra to their numbers. Also, because of the stressfulness of being a witness they have a high dropout rate. I'm surprised they're not diminishing in the US but you can't trust their statistics.
Religion loves misery though, so it's not surprising that they would be growing in impoverished nations.
I heard through someone that people who faded (Like myself) are now supposed to be treated as DFed to wrap up that loop hole. Is this true?
Yes but it's not the first time they've done that. They did it in the 1980s and it was the reason Ray Franz was disfelowshipped for having dinner with his employer/landlord who had disassociated himself.
One last question. What is up with, as I was in front of a Walmart and the Witnesses had a booth and were heavily promoting it. Did they change their views on the usefulness of the internet (When I was there, it was still aol).
It's and they are going full tilt on the Internet. They even have a JW channel at They also have a children's cartoon featuring a pencil necked boy named Caleb and his pencil necked sister Sophia.